First–how to get rid of the old vinyl lettering. In this YouTube video from Boat US, you will see 2 methods of removal demonstrated in real-time. The heat removal method seems simple enough, and they add in some good tips to make it easy. The other method shows the use of the product Vinyl-Off. It simply restores the vinyl so it is easier to remove, but it honestly looked to be about the same effort as using the heat gun. They end with good advice on how to do final cleaning and preparation for the new vinyl.
Now, install your new graphics or letters. In just under 3 minutes, this YouTube video from Boat US shows you how to apply vinyl lettering to your boat. The steps are clear and easy to understand–with no extra chit-chat. He includes tips that will help you avoid problems and end up with a professional result. Watch to the end to see their pretty impressive “opps” free replacement guarantee!
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FYI–Last year, a change to hull identification number (HIN) standards became effective January 1, 2017: All state titled vessels must have a 12-character HIN that meets federal standards as required by the Coast Guard. See Hull Identification Number (HIN) Display Instructions for the details.